Monday, March 28, 2011

#7: Lose my Black Thumb or Grow a Green Thumb...

... Whichever comes first! I like the outdoors. I love vegetables. And fruits. And flowers. I'd like to grow all three. And I'd like to know what I'm doing/ understand to a larger degree than put seed in hole and water and hope and pray. So before I turn 30 I'd like to learn how to be an amateur gardener. Whatever that means.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

#6: Walk in the 3-Day

3 days, 60 miles. Alone or with a group. I want to walk.

My neighbor, my mother's close friend, one of the most amazing women I've ever known, died when I was 14 of breast cancer. She was one of those people who brought that breath of fresh air into the room. Her smile alerted the world that trouble would not rest at her feet. She put others first, always, and right to the end. She was simply inspiring.

In small towns, when someone who changed the place for the better passed on, memorials, scholarship funds and the like, are created in their honor. I was lucky enough to receive the Becky Childress Memorial Scholarship my senior year of high school. I've always said if I'm lucky I'll be half the woman she was. Her memory is still so vivid in my mind's eye. Laughing. She was always laughing. I feel as if walking is just this tiny step I can take to say thank you... to pay it forward. Because I believe in things like that. Paying it forward. I truly believe what you put out there in this world comes back to you.

Becky put so much out there and I want to walk in her memory, to honor her gifts and talents that she left with us. To remind myself that goodness and kindness and beauty lives through everything... that it just keeps walking.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby Step #2

I hired a trainer. We've started and he's a hard ass and I'm pretty sure that that is exactly what I need. His name is TK and his biceps are the size of my thighs. I'm not exaggerating here. He's like the black version of The Rock and his motto is, "Go hard or go home, the only person standing in your way is you." His specialty is womens' fitness, which did surprise me, and he's actually interested in the reasons why women gain weight. Which also surprised me, as he is a man and really most of the time the emotional stuff flies over their heads. But he gets it, which is nice.

He measured my body fat and took measurements and we did before pictures. Be prepared, I'm going to post them soon and you will be scared. But he thinks, and I'm beginning to see why, they're necessary. I need a constant reminder of the goal here. He asked what the ultimate goal was and I said, "to just like the way I look again", which is complete truth. I don't care about numbers or measurements or percentages. I want to look in the mirror and like what I see. I want to put on a swim suit and go to the pool with my kiddos and not be focusing on myself.

So he put me on the eliptical and said he was going to test me. He just "knew" I could do more than I thought I could, that I just wasn't willing to push myself. He jumped on the machine next to mine and away we went. Now normally when I get on the eliptical I put it on 0 resistance, around a 4 or 5 incline (as that incline works all of the leg muscles and not just the hamstrings and quads) and I go for an hour. I do somewhere between 4 and 5 miles without a problem and burn around 450 calories. I thought that was fantastic... well TK had other plans.

Every time I'd start to slow he'd speed up, encourage me, push me, coach me. He started my resistance at 8 and by the end had upped it to 10. He wouldn't let me stop. He'd let me slow and catch myself for 30 seconds and then push me to keep going and harder. By the end I'd done 5.5 miles and had burned over 650 calories. On an 8-10 resistance! He was right. I wasn't giving myself or my body enough credit.

This isn't going to be a speedy process. I'm not going to wake up in a few weeks, look great and move on. Heavens, I wish! But I like TK, I like his plans. So that is where I am right now.

Friday, March 11, 2011

#5: Conquering Yeast Breads

I want to make my own bread. Specifically sour dough. And it has always seemed so hard. I read the recipes and all of the steps and I think, really? Really? I'll just go to the bakery.

We all know I love to cook. It's one of my bigger passions in life. Mostly, I love food and recognize that high end cuisine is not within my budget so I've just learned to replicate what I see in blogs, magazines and on television within the walls of my humble kitchen. So I've read the recipes and skirted around them and ignored them and then I go buy a loaf of Rosemary Olive Oil Bread for $5 or a long, crusty French baguette and think, "Why am I not making this at home?" So I'm going to start trying it. I know it will only save like $20 a month but hey, it's $20 we were spending on store made bread, that can go toward my beautiful shoe collection! Or something more practical. Whatever!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

#4: Scrapbooking

Okay, we all know I'm obsessed. I love scrapbooking. Yes, it's crafty, yes, it involves pictures... yes. A photo album would do the same thing. Here's the deal: it isn't just about the pictures for me. It's the memories. It's the story. I'm a sentimental person. Family history has to be one of my favorite things. I like knowing where I come from, who came before me, their stories, their wins and their failures. I'm naturally a nosy person but this goes a little deeper than that I think. I feel a connection to the past.

I always have really. There is something about growing up in a small town surrounded by the history. Ozona is a young place but my family has been there since the late 1800's and so we are entrenched in it's history. The Carson/ West family was there from the beginning with my ancestors playing pivotal roles in the growth of the community. The ranches are there. The ranch house is there.

It's like a tree with roots so deep nothing can rip it from the ground. So the term family tree is obviously apropos.

Back to scrapbooking. Though I love to do it, I rarely make time for it. Meaning that when I sit down I feel as if I must accomplish Herculean tasks at one sitting! So my #4 is to take time each week to work on some pages. No page number goals or finishing scrapbooks in one sitting. Just some time each week, to work on a few pages. For me, for my family. I feel like I'm leaving a piece of myself behind with my scrapbooks. It's my history. My handwriting, the way my journaling changes, my poor spelling (which you, of course are not aware of, as online I have spell check). My scrapbooks tell my family of my love for them. Allow me to let my creativity flow and show how my artistic side has evolved. My scrapbooks are the pictures, the memories of the good and bad times (yes, I scrap it all), and they are a small of piece of me.

So it's important to me. And I should make more time for it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Okay, so this sounds kind of dreamy, wide eyed and naive, I realize. But I don't have illusions of grandeur here! I have no desire to make millions of dollars doing Romantic Comedies. Okay I do but I'm realistic. What I really have NO desire to do is move to California and wait tables while I attempt it. I'd like to make a living acting, doing voice-overs/ industrial films and performing. I'd just like to make some money doing what I love.

I'm an entertainer, a performer, an actress. Some people are born to do it and I believe that I was. Simple as that. And so, I'd like to make money doing it. And to do that in this industry, you need an agent.

There are a few requirements to this agent thing. I need new headshots and a voice-over reel. I'd like to take some classes at KD Studios. And then I need to compile all of the above and make packets for agencies. Lots of them!

So #3, get an agent. I've got just under 3 years... I can do it!


That's right. I haven't finished. I'm 7 hours away from my degree. I was put on bed rest my last trimester, pregnant with Carson. I put in 5 years of hard work and all I have to show for it is a transcript... a very, very long transcript.

So #2 is to finish college. There isn't much more to it then that. Just finish.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#1: A Healthier Me

So my first, in my 30 before 30 challenge, is an all encompassing goal. A HEALTHIER ME. Basically I want to live forever and look amazing! ;) Don't we all? Seriously, I just want to look good, feel great and know that I've done everything I can to live my best life (no, Oprah, Bob Green or self help narrator needed).

It begins with my need to lose weight. My need to eat better. My need to keep myself in check. My need to love myself. Like I said all encompassing. This one is really a goal for this year specifically. And is part of my baby step program. One day at a time. One tiny step at a time. I've recently (3 weeks now) started going back to the gym 4-5 days a week. I alternate 2 hours of cardio with 30 minutes of cardio/1 hour of weight training/30 minutes of ab work. It's an every other day thing, it's intense and I'm sore most of the time. But I feel things changing and I know I'm mere days away from seeing things change.

I recently ordered a Bodybugg and am very excited about it. Please visit the website. I've heard great things, really liked what I've researched and though the initial investment seemed expensive, I think it will be the turning point in my journey. And that is exactly what this is going to be. A journey, one that never ends. I'm not going to wake up 3 years form now, look in the mirror and go okay I'm done. I've arrived where I want to be. Things change, life changes, goals change, how you look changes... everything changes and I have to learn to grow with the change.

The Bodybugg has an online program to help with calorie intake which is a big one for me. I'm an emotional eater. I'm happy, I eat. I'm sad, I eat. I'm bored, I eat. I tun to food to comfort me. To sooth me. To aid me in my day. I don't want food to be my nucleus anymore.

I also hope that in creating a healthier me I become the example my children want to follow. I know, thanks to genetics, that obese children are not going to be a problem for me. Even though I don't eat all that well, my children are fed as if their bodies are temples. Which of course they are. Organic, whole grains, fruits and veggies, few refined sugars, small meals, well rounded snacks. I'm ridiculous about my children and I've let myself become a trash can. Carson is allergic to corn. You read that one correctly! So his allergy really has aided us in creating a healthier home.

So #1: A healthier me. Stay tuned... steps are being taken, let's see how this goes!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 BEFORE 30

It's not a bucket list as I am not dying... at least anytime soon. Hopefully. Please God. Anywhooooo.....

My friend Diana, did this 30 before 30 on her blog and I just sort of fell in love with the idea. Small attainable goals that start you down a path to larger ones. So everyday for the next 30 days I will give you a goal, one of my 30. I am 27. I just turned 27 on February 18th (I did not receive a card from you... you know who you are) and it was one of those rare, amazing birthdays. My husband whisked me away to the NYLO in Plano. It was like 10 miles from my house!!! I'm joshing but I'm serious.

He gave me a "sick" day. Now if you are a mommy, especially a stay at home mommy, you know better than most, we don't get sick days. We get sick but we don't get time off. We just keep going. There is no lounging in bed while the fevers subsides, there is no staying 15 feet away from all food substances when you feel as if you are about to hurl your intestines all over kingdom come and its suburbs, no one makes you soup. You get up, pop some pills and walk through the day at a death row pace. You have to. So this "sick" day idea... seriously husbands, best idea ever! We went to the spa and had a couples massage, we watched movies at the Angelika, we ate and stayed in an awesome hotel, we ate some more. No one pulled on the edge of my shirt to get my attention, no one said Mommy over and over and over again, not once did I have to crawl onto the floor and build anything, race anything or search for anything. Greatest weekend ever!

Back to the 30... If you read my blog you know I have goals already set up for this year. And I plan on maintaining those. Some of those goals will flow into the 30 before 30 and some will remain separate. Some of these will be silly, some will be serious, some will be simple. Just 30 things I want to do or feel I need to do. Seems like a good idea, right? I thought so too!