Monday, July 19, 2010

So far so good...

I'm two weeks into this 5 Days for 5 Months journey I've put myself on. And so far so good. I've lost 1" in my waist but as I said before no scale so who knows weight wise. I feel good, I feel positive, I feel every muscle in my body! And they scream loudly! But the endorphins have kicked in and it's easy to get myself to the gym. I really thought it would be at least a month of me forcing myself and dragging myself to the gym before I started looking forward to it but like I said I'm enjoying myself. I'm averaging an hour of cardio 5 days a week with weight lifting and ab work 3-4 days.

I am sore though and it's a never ending constant sore since I'm using different muscle groups and really pushing myself to do a little more each time. My good friend Monica keeps it interesting by forcing me to use that damned rowing machine... I hate that thing! But I got even by making her get on the stair machine. However my rear end feels like it's been hit by a Mack Truck.

I've never been good at the food thing though and I feel like I've made some real progress. I've doubled my veggie and fruit intake and really watched the carbs. And I've been relying on dark chocolate to get me through the sweet cravings. One, little piece of dark chocolate. I know it's okay to cheat every now and then but I feel like I have to make it a couple of months at least before I can let myself cheat once a week. I have a bad habit of binge eating. Standing at the door of the pantry and just eating cookie after cookie, or standing in the kitchen picking at a hundred different things. I can finish off a family size bag of M'n'M's without even thinking and then I will just feel guilty so I'll eat more. Emotional eater anyone?

Tonight I hit the gym with Monica. Lord, give me strength!

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