Thursday, June 2, 2011

#26: Attend Sporting Events

I'm working on a specific number of sporting events. I'm thinking 5. My husband is not the sportiest person in the world and therefore when we are thinking of entertainment it is not where we lean. But I know the boys would benefit from attending. I know it would open their little minds to the different types of physical activity that is out there. I was active in sports and believe in them as teaching tools for children. I believe in team work. I promise, I really am as cheesy as you think I am.

With that said, it does not mean we must attend football games.

There is soccer and hockey and Nascar and baseball. I like football and basketball as much as the next person but having been from West Texas and a town that was REALLY into women's basketball... I think I've had my fill of those two to last me a few more years. Not that I wouldn't love to go to a football or basketball game should the tickets fall into my lap... I'm just not buying them. Jerry Jones and Mark Cuban have plenty of money.

So I think 7... attend 7 sporting events before I'm 30. We can do this!

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