Monday, April 11, 2011

#11: Paint My Bedroom

If you've been in my house you know that decorating is one of my hobbies. I just love to do it. I love color and texture and fabric. I love interesting art pieces and love finding how to mix modern accents with my very traditional yet eclectic home. I don't fit in one style, I love too many things!

Most rooms have been designs and re-designed. Paint samples have been poured over and contemplated, fabrics, chosen and re-chosen. Our bedroom furniture was purchased before the house. I adore it! Very traditional, very large four poster bed. The fabrics are less traditional, more eclectic. Purples, golds, oranges, reds and this really pretty oyster shell ivory color. Rich. That is what I was going for. Not like "money=rich" but more "sumptuous=rich". A bedroom, especially a married couples bedroom, should be sexy. Very, very sexy. But not porn store sexy.

So I've bounced around paint colors over and over and over and it's time to pick one and do it!

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