It's not a bucket list as I am not dying... at least anytime soon. Hopefully. Please God. Anywhooooo.....
My friend Diana, did this 30 before 30 on her blog and I just sort of fell in love with the idea. Small attainable goals that start you down a path to larger ones. So everyday for the next 30 days I will give you a goal, one of my 30. I am 27. I just turned 27 on February 18th (I did not receive a card from you... you know who you are) and it was one of those rare, amazing birthdays. My husband whisked me away to the NYLO in Plano. It was like 10 miles from my house!!! I'm joshing but I'm serious.
He gave me a "sick" day. Now if you are a mommy, especially a stay at home mommy, you know better than most, we don't get sick days. We get sick but we don't get time off. We just keep going. There is no lounging in bed while the fevers subsides, there is no staying 15 feet away from all food substances when you feel as if you are about to hurl your intestines all over kingdom come and its suburbs, no one makes you soup. You get up, pop some pills and walk through the day at a death row pace. You have to. So this "sick" day idea... seriously husbands, best idea ever! We went to the spa and had a couples massage, we watched movies at the Angelika, we ate and stayed in an awesome hotel, we ate some more. No one pulled on the edge of my shirt to get my attention, no one said Mommy over and over and over again, not once did I have to crawl onto the floor and build anything, race anything or search for anything. Greatest weekend ever!
Back to the 30... If you read my blog you know I have goals already set up for this year. And I plan on maintaining those. Some of those goals will flow into the 30 before 30 and some will remain separate. Some of these will be silly, some will be serious, some will be simple. Just 30 things I want to do or feel I need to do. Seems like a good idea, right? I thought so too!
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