Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Update on my baby!

Logan is just fine! At this point he has not been diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis. I say at this time because well, there is no test that will ever be able to give us a definitive yes or no answer. He shows no other symptoms other than the Rhabdomyoma on his heart and is growing and progressing as every other normal infant. We will monitor him from this point on every 6 months or until it is determined that we simply do not have anything to worry about.

So: Cardiologist every 6 months, Geneticist every 6 months, Pediatrician... the normal 1st year schedule. We will be seeing a lot of doctors.

He such a happy baby and normally sleeps wonderfully. He's teething a little sooner than I would have liked but as they say, every baby is different. He's taken to rice cereal like a champ and I can already tell food is going to go over splendidly. Carson keeps Logan entertained and Logan keeps Carson entertained... they both just keep me very, very busy!

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